Monday, January 2, 2012

So You Want a Resolution

Every year, I struggle with the idea of resolutions. I feel it is good to keep on improving yourself, and setting goals gives you a target to shoot for. On the other hand, New Year's resolutions seem to be setting yourself up for disappointment, they almost always seem to fail. But knowing this, I still dive into every new year with a hopeful attitude and a list of changes I need to make. As I start on this path, my current plan is to continue to keep updates on here, hoping that writing about the process will keep me on a better path.

So, here is what I'm aiming for in 2012:
  • Eat at least 2 fruits and/or vegetables per day at least 5 days a week (yes, this goal is sadly below the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, but I've got to start somewhere).
  • Drink 64 ounces of water per day
  • Cook with actual ingredients (I'm actual pretty good at this one, but I can always be better), avoiding processed foods and increasing whole grains.
  • Get more active with 30 minutes of cardio, 3 times per week, and 10 minutes of activity the other 4 days (if this sticks, I'll be adding some sort of strength training, but let's start slow).
  • Read more, rotating between non-fiction and fiction, review the books, and post the reviews.
  • Write more, both on here, and the other stuff I'm working on.
  • Knit using the yarn I have in my stash, crossing some of the projects off of my queue that have been there a long time (February Lady Sweater, I'm looking at you).
  • Continue attending church on a (mostly) weekly basis.
Hopefully, I'll be checking in a couple of times per month to keep posting about progress (or more likely, I will be not posting about my lack of progress). Either way, it's good to try to make improvement.

1 comment:

EmmyJo said...

You got this! I would like to polish up my blog this year, but I don't resolve to do so ;) Happy 2012!!