Monday, August 31, 2009

The Students are Coming!

Tomorrow is the big day, the first day of school for students. I guess it is a victory to say I don't feel completely unprepared to meet the students. On the other hand, I definitely don't feel completely prepared.I now have a couple of inservice days under my belt, and I'm feeling more and more comfortable with the staff at the school. I really feel good about the special ed teachers, they've all been great. 

However, Friday brought my first student teaching seminar, which just about gave me a panic attack. I've got a long list of things to do in my classroom, including making an audio recording of me teaching. I also have to complete an IEP (individualized education plan, any student recieving special education services has to have one), complete two different progress monitoring tasks, a behavior change plan, and some formal and informal assessments. And that is just the list for the first quarter, come second quarter I have to do it all over again, plus complete a Professional Development Plan (PDP), prepare my Gate 3 materials, and give a presentation on one of the ten Wisconsin Teaching Standards (WTS) (and the standard is assigned, not chosen). The road ahead seems daunting, but hopefully I can accomplish all that I need to. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day One Done

Today was my first day student teaching at my elementary school placement. Actually, it was an inservice day, so I didn't really do any teaching, that won't happen until next Tuesday.

My day started early, with me arriving at my school by 7:20 am. I met up with my supervising teacher, who gave me a tour of a couple of other district schools. Then we wandered about our school for a little while, where she introduced me to many, many staff members. And I can barely remember any names.

Next, we had the school faculty meeting. I was then officially introduced to the entire school, met many more people whose names I will hopefully learn before the quarter ends. I also got to meet the other student teacher, a future art teacher from UW Stout, and then proceeded to spend some time helping my supervising teacher with classroom set up. I also went over the IEPs of some of my students, trying to get at least a little familiar with the names.

This afternoon we had the first round of parent conferences. Between meeting with the parents of some of my students, I assisted parents with filling out forms, and then proceeded to help sort and organize the forms.

The day ended at 6:30 this evening. Tomorrow, I'll be back at the school at the same time, and then head over to the high school for a district wide kick off breakfast and meeting. I'm hoping to get an opportunity to at least meet my supervising teachers for next quarter from the middle school while we are at the district wide meeting. There will also be another round of conferences tomorrow starting at 3.


With less than a week to spare, niece's airbender hoodie is finished. The sweater has been washed, blocked (it took forever to dry, forever), folded, wrapped, and presented to niece, who was quite happy with it. She calls it her "air nomad sweater." I have to say, I'm pretty thrilled with how it turned out.


This also gives me the chance to return to knitting other items. I'm still working on the little shell rib socks for Danielle. Progress has been slow, considering my knitting has been focused elsewhere, I've just finished the short row heel and am working on the leg of the first sock. Hopefully I'll also finish up the Lily Cardigan. I'm down to adding length to the bottom, which means rows and rows of stockinette stitch. I'm itching to start another project, but I also know if I start too many other things, I'll never finish the Lily Cardigan. I'm allowing myself to cast on for a second attempt at a large lace project. I'm going to give the Cheshire Cat Stole another go, but with different yarn. I've ordered some Misti Alpaca Lace in the Mojito colorway. The last time I attempted the stole, my needles broke after a couple of inches, then the project got all tangled up, forcing me to abandon the project. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this time comes out better.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The End is in Sight!

And we're getting down to the deadline for niece's birthday sweater. She arrives in Wisconsin tonight and leaves again on Thursday. So the gift has to be done by Wednesday evening, or I'm going to have to come up with an emergency last minute gift.

However, the outlook is good. I've finished the back and hood, and am a little over halfway done with the first sleeve. If I keep pressing onward there should be no reason that it cannot be completed in time. (However, if I keep getting distracted by other things...)

So, back to the knitting and I promise an update with pictures once the sweater is done.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Tunnel Vision Knitting

Currently, my knitting is focused on one thing, Sophie's birthday sweater. Progress is going good. I decided to switch from knitting in the round to knitting flat to make the colorwork a little bit easier. However, this means I will have to do more seaming. Knitting the front and back flat and the sleeves in the round is the current plan, but we'll see how it pans out. I've finished the front which, after ripping it out and starting over once, turned out pretty good in my opinion.


The three spirals are the symbol of the air nomads. The blue color is a little more purply than I would like, but is was the closest color I could find in the yarn line that I wanted to use. Ideally, I'd like to have the back finished by the end of the weekend. I think it should go faster than the front because instead of the spirals, there is only a single stripe running up the middle. This means taht I don't have to follow a chart. The ulitmate plan is to finish the entire project by the end of next weekend. Husband leaves for a golf weekend in Hayward on Thursday and alone time usually equals knitting time, but my mother has me playing in a golf tournament on Saturday. It's a fundrasier for breast cancer awareness and there is another non-golfer on the team, or I'd never be doing it.

Once finished with the sweater, it'll be back to work on the lily cardigan. I'd like to get that done, but I'm also itching to start some new projects. I'd really like to make a new purse. I've got the yarn and a couple of different patterns, but I really should finish the cardigan.

My portable project is a pair of socks, of course. I'm knitting them toe-up using the willow band stitch patter from Charlene Schurch's Sensational Knitted Socks and their for my sister. She picked out the yarn, Plymouth Happy Feet in shades of green and brown, when I was visiting her in Seattle. I'm a little worried, however, because the yarn is pooling in a way that almost creates a camouflage look. I'm not sure that sister is going to be pleased with the results. But I'll keep on working on them, and if she doesn't like them, I'll find somebody that does.