Monday, April 27, 2009

Scrap Sock Yarn Blanket

Originally uploaded by ColeyAnn
I've been looking for a way to use up the unused remains of sock yarn that I just can't seem to throw away. After searching ravelry, I settled on the Scrap Yarn blanket, which is made up of a bunch of little squares that require very little yarn to create. I started working on my first couple of squares, and have been pleased with the results.

This is a great project for me because: 1) the squares take very little time to knit, great for my short attention span, 2) I can set aside this project for extended periods of time and pick it up again with little thinking, 3) I can make a blanket without spending any additional money, 4) the finished project will be fun, pretty, and brightly colored, 5) it is a perfect excuse to knit a lot of socks.

However, I failed to consider: 1) these squares are little, it will take FOREVER to make this blanket, 2) they don't use up much yarn, so it will be awhile before I am able to finish off any yarn, 3) after I create enough squares to make the first row, I begin to join squares together, which will make the project pretty non-portable, 4) there are going to be a TON of loose ends to weave in, and I hate weaving in ends, 5) because there will be multiple squares of each color, and because I'm building the blanket as I go, there are going to be groupings of each sock yarn color, which may make the finished product look bad (or good, I'm holding out for good), 6) I'm going to have to knit a lot of socks.

At any rate, it is going to keep me occupied for some time. As I start a new project, I can't help but consider that right now I should be spending less time on knitting, and more on finishing the semester. Each evening it seems like I have less and less time to spend on knitting. But the end of the semester is fast approaching, and summer should see a dramatic increase in the amount of time I can spend knitting.

The end of the semester cannot come soon enough, though when I think about the amount of stuff I have to do, it will probably also come too soon.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Basic (or Boring) Black (Project Talk)

After a day of Doctor Who, homework, and knitting; (more knitting than homework...perhaps I would be less stressed if I prioritized better) I've finished the Show-off Stranded Socks. They turned out absolutely beautiful, perhaps they will be my favorite socks. The yarn and pattern worked wonderfully together. I'm also including finished photos of the finished baby blankets for my niece and nephew. I'm pretty happy with how they both turned out.

So, finishing one pair of socks of course means that I will be starting on another pair. Instead of using one of my many, many beautiful handdyed sock yarns, I'm making ones out of some basic black sock yarn. (well, actually kettle dyed sock yarn, so there is some variation in the color of the yarn, but not much) I'm going to do a cloverleaf lace rib design to add some interest, but these socks have the potential to be very, very boring. I'm also continuing to work on the Lily cardigan, I'm a few rows short of dividing the body from the sleeves. I'd also like to get a start on the blanket I'm going to make out of all my scraps of sock yarn. It is basically a patchwork of little diamonds. It will be a long term project, but it is a good use for my scraps of sock yarn. I am anxiously awaiting summer so I have more time to devote to my knitting. I've got a pile of projects on my to do list.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

And the probability that I will be bald by the end of the semester increases

s the end of the semester draws nearer, my workload and stress seem to be increasing. So, I am doing the logical thing, of course, by using my free time to complain about it instead of working. Well, in all fairness, I'm flipping back and forth between this screen and another so I can search for articles while I complain, I'm not happy unless I'm multitasking. At any rate, I feel the intense desire to pull out my hair many times a day.

Tuesday, everything piled on me at once and brought about a huge panic attack. I've been expecting this attack to come for some time now, but I actually thought it would manifest last week, when I had two presentations in one day. But like all good attacks, this one waited until I wasn't expecting it, then struck. I suppose it is not an attack if I can predict its coming. Anyways, so I found myself in my car, on the side of the road, crying, and feeling like there was no one in the world for me to talk to. I've been feeling isolated a lot lately, and that may have added to the panic attack.

It is just beginning to feel like there are less and less hours each day. I'm also really beginning to resent the hell out of my drive to Eau Claire and back four days a week. I used to find it relaxing, but now I spend it dwelling on the things I could be doing if I was don't spending almost three hours a day in my car. It probably also does not help that I'm currently listening to the world's most annoying audio book, and I can't stop listening to it because I can't not finish a book. And, to top things off, the will be no new episodes of The Bugle for the next two weeks. There goes my reason for getting up on Monday mornings. (okay, I should remember that I have several previous episodes stored on my ipod for just such an occasion, so if I get desperate I can always revisit monkey news or a 60 foot roof penis. God help me, I'm a married twenty-seven year old woman, and I still find a story about a kid painting a giant penis on his parents roof funny...that's why I love spending time with middle school students).

So, even though it is spring, I'm convinced that the days are getting shorter, not longer. Meals at home are a rare occasion. Most likely if you went into the kitchen, you would discover the only appliance not covered in dust would be my coffee makers. Yes, coffee makerS. I am the proud owner of three coffee makers, an espresso machine, a french press for everyday use, and a regular drip machine for days when the french press isn't going to make enough coffee.

At any rate (found 1 article!), I'm recovering from the panic attack, and feel better that when comparing notes with classmates, discovering that many of them feel as overwhelmed as I. This makes me feel (found article 2, now I just need two more and I'll be set for next week). If I'm going to be mired down with stress and work, its good to have company. So with the pile of abstracts, papers, summaries, chapter problems, assessments, essays, exams, website building, lesson plans, transition planning, and other tasks to accomplish by the end of the semester comes due, I can rest assured that I will not be the only one burning the midnight oil in the computer lab, or panicing while working and watching Doctor Who (okay, still might be the only one doing that, but what can I do, I'm a nerd.)

And it's time for class. Hopefully, I'll get a tighter grip on things and be able to post more, cheerier news.