Friday, December 19, 2008

Winter Break!

Ah, thank goodness, Fall Semester 2009 is finally over! Between classes, Gate 2 (application and portfolio for student teaching), and placement along with work and moving, it has been a crazy couple of months. But, as of 9:30 am on Thursday, I finished the semester, what's done is done and there is nothing more I can do to influence the outcome of my grades. I then spent a couple extra hours yesterday finishing my Christmas shopping, and wrapped presents. (This is not entirely true, as I have a present that my mother purchased for my step-dad that I need to wrap, and I have not yet bought gifts for my father's family Christmas, and I completely forget about the gift exchange at work, but I'm close enough to done.)

This means I have some time to do crazy things like reading for fun and getting some knitting done. I finally finished my sister's afghan, only to be commissioned to make a blanket for the new baby (coming in March), which leads me to deduce that I should also make a blanket for my brother-in-law and his wife's new baby (due in April). Yup, I've got a niece and a nephew coming within a month of each other. So I had better get going on some baby knitting!

I also would like to make a new laptop case, and a couple of sweaters for me. I need to finish my banded peasant blouse and my Cheshire cat wrap. And I always need to make some more socks. Plus, I never got a chance to make a Sheldon the Turtle for Sophie. I'd like to make one to send out with the blanket for the new baby. (I know how much Sophie likes to get mail and I would hate to have her think that everything coming in the mail is for her new sibling)

Aside from all of this, I'm also hoping to pick up some extra hours at work. This coming week, I am scheduled for more hours than I had on my last paycheck, my last several paychecks for that matter. Plus, there is always unpacking and general work around the house. Busy, busy, busy.