Thursday, September 25, 2008


After what can only be described as a long, icky week, things are going better. Last Tuesday, I was on my way home from class when I was attacked by a renegade tire that had escaped from a semi going the other direction on the interstate. It complete smashed the front end of my Alero, but I was unhurt (thankfully).

It took the auto body shop all of one morning to decide that the car was unfixable. They kindly lent me a charming '94 Buick for the time being and we set about dealing with the insurance company. After several trips back and forth to Eau Claire, with my ipod adapter working poorly in the old piece of crap, Jeff & I made it knew without a doubt we needed to get a new car asap.

Yesterday, we got it all worked out, and I was able to drive my new (well, new to me) Nissan Altima off the lot and bring it home. It was not been tested by the trip to Eau Claire, it will be later today, but after several trips to Tomah and back, I do know my ipod plays clearly through the stereo.

So, with all the chaos, at least we've gotten that settled.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Well, that's it, Three Bear's is closed. Something involving some bank, I'm not really sure what exactly happened. Jeff got called into a meeting today where he received the news. Thankfully, he's able to start his new job tomorrow instead of next Monday (which I guess actually works out better for the new boss). It does mean, however, it may be awhile before Jeff sees any sort of compensation for his work last week, but we're still a lot better off than some of the others, so we shouldn't complain.

As for me, school is going okay, it is going to be a busy and stressful semester. I took my praxis content knowledge test on Saturday, which reminded me why I hate standardized tests. I finished with about an hour to kill with nothing to do.

School's been getting in the way of other stuff. Things I should be doing, like packing; and things I would rather be doing, like knitting. At this rate, I will never finish the banded peasant blouse. I'm also working on a wrap, Danielle's afghan, (which I'd like to have done before her birthday, but more likely will be for Christmas), and, of course, socks. I recently realized that I'm beginning to acquire more sock yarn than I can ever use in my life, so I'm not buying any more sock yarn until I deplete my overflowing stash. Plus, with moving to a new, much smaller, location, I need to work on whittling down my yarn supply to make it easier to move.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Several big changes are on the horizon for the Cram household. Here's the story behind it:

Earlier this summer, Jeff and the remainder of the Three Bear's employees were given a 90 day closure notice. The resort was being put up for sale and if there wasn't a buyer, the place would close at the end of September (the Monday after Cranfest).

Naturally, this put us in a panic, as not only Jeff's job, but our home are directly tied into the fate of the resort. Jeff began a search for a new job, we began to discuss options including moving. However, we had to remain in a holding pattern until we got more news.

After applications and interviews, Jeff ended up with two job offers, and opted to take one establishing and building an IT department for Meca Sportswear, a company in Tomah. He's excited about the new opportunity, but a little worried about leaving the company where he has worked since college. His last day at Three Bears will be September 19 and he will start the new job the following Monday.

We also had to find a place to live, a place that would allow the small herd of animals we've acquired in the past several years. After weeks of searching, and lots of dissapointments, we found a place to live. It is a tiny two bedroom house on McLean Ave. (by St. Paul's School for those interested parties). It has a great fenced in yard for Pippin. It will be a change from our current house, we're used to the spacious three bedroom house, to this much, much smaller one, but it is adorable. We move on November 1, which gives me time to balance school and packing.

I have three semesters left in school, meaning a year from now I should be student teaching (given that everything goes according to plan). My schedule is pretty full this semester, but I'm still making time to teach religious education on Wednesday nights (those poor kids) and put in hours at both jobs on the weekends. And, of course, I still find some time to indulge my nerdy habits of knitting, Dr Who, reading, and telling people about my ever so charming pets.