Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sock Hiatus

Despite my newfound love and obsession for sock knitting, (I've completed 5 pairs since February, which seems pretty good to me) I am now taking a bit of a sabbatical from socks. This sabbatical is not voluntary, though, but rather forced.

I've also fallen in love with both the knit picks harmony circular needles and the magic loop method of knitting socks. It makes me dread the idea of going back to using dpns. This dread is largely the cause of the hiatus from creating socks.

First of all, while finishing my wonderful, beautiful Bellatrix socks, I snapped one of my size 0's. Okay, not a big deal, I don't use that one very often so I'll just order a replacement with my next order (which seeing as how beautiful some of the shades of the new Imagination sock yarn, wouldn't be long anyway).

Then, last Friday, my darling niece visiting from Seattle decided to throw a football at me while I was working on my Jaywalker socks from Knitty. This broke my size 1 circulars, which I use a lot, so I went ahead and put in an order that night to replace my 0's and 1's, and, of course, some sock yarn.

So, yesterday I started work on my first toe-up socks on my size 2's. I finished increasing for the toe and set the knitting down to do something else. Minerva, the ever charming devil cat, stole my knitting and in the course of playing with the knitting, Minerva managed to chew two large snags in the cable which catch and rip the yarn, making knitting with them impossible.

So, I went ahead and placed another knit picks order to replace the 2's (and get more sock yarn...yes, I know I have a problem). But as I'm still waiting patiently to hear that my orders have shipped, I'll be taking a break from socks for awhile.