Friday, December 19, 2008

Winter Break!

Ah, thank goodness, Fall Semester 2009 is finally over! Between classes, Gate 2 (application and portfolio for student teaching), and placement along with work and moving, it has been a crazy couple of months. But, as of 9:30 am on Thursday, I finished the semester, what's done is done and there is nothing more I can do to influence the outcome of my grades. I then spent a couple extra hours yesterday finishing my Christmas shopping, and wrapped presents. (This is not entirely true, as I have a present that my mother purchased for my step-dad that I need to wrap, and I have not yet bought gifts for my father's family Christmas, and I completely forget about the gift exchange at work, but I'm close enough to done.)

This means I have some time to do crazy things like reading for fun and getting some knitting done. I finally finished my sister's afghan, only to be commissioned to make a blanket for the new baby (coming in March), which leads me to deduce that I should also make a blanket for my brother-in-law and his wife's new baby (due in April). Yup, I've got a niece and a nephew coming within a month of each other. So I had better get going on some baby knitting!

I also would like to make a new laptop case, and a couple of sweaters for me. I need to finish my banded peasant blouse and my Cheshire cat wrap. And I always need to make some more socks. Plus, I never got a chance to make a Sheldon the Turtle for Sophie. I'd like to make one to send out with the blanket for the new baby. (I know how much Sophie likes to get mail and I would hate to have her think that everything coming in the mail is for her new sibling)

Aside from all of this, I'm also hoping to pick up some extra hours at work. This coming week, I am scheduled for more hours than I had on my last paycheck, my last several paychecks for that matter. Plus, there is always unpacking and general work around the house. Busy, busy, busy.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cutest Thanksgiving Dessert Ever!

My plan for Thanksgiving weekend was to get a whole pile of homework done. My application for student teaching is due next Friday, I have three papers due for SPED 210, a paper and a mid-term for Sped 431, a paper for FED 385, and my remaining SPED 431 lesson plans all due this coming week. So, the grand plan was to hunker down with my laptop and get things done.

But, it is Saturday night and I have not gotten anything done. And tomorrow I have to go to my in-laws for a birthday get together, though I am now 27, and have outgrown the need for a birthday party quite a few years ago (truth be told, the last birthday I actually wanted to celebrate was my 21st) But after many days worth of relentless badgering, I gave in. So for my birthday get together, we will be watching the Packers play (which I don't like to do) and having a dinner of Sloppy Joes (which I don't like). Ah, the immense fun of family. Though my mom gets big kudos for my birthday present of a bread maker, which I unpacked as soon as I got it home, ran to the grocery store for ingredients (one of the perks of living in Tomah, as compared to Warrens) and proceeded to bake some honey oat bread (and promptly ate about half the loaf).

On Thanksgiving, I experienced a great triumph. I found instructions for making cupcakes decorated to look like turkeys (phrased that way because "turkey cupcakes" can confuse people). They turned out absolutely adorable! I'll edit this post to include the picture that I took once I get it off my digital camera.

Knitting wise, I'm about in the same place I have been for the past few weeks. Danielle's Christmas circle afghan, my banded peasant blouse, and my Cheshire Cat stole are all still on the needles along with a new pair of socks made from Malabrigo's new sock yarn (of which I am a huge fan already). After I finish the socks (I have one done and one to go) then I am working only on the afghan until it is finished. I am not knitting anything for myself until after Christmas once I finish the socks. At least that is the plan for right now.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Random Political Ranting

Okay, I've been practically sitting on my hands every time I visit facebook anymore. It seems every young Republican in the world somehow got on my friends list, (I have friends that are Republicans...who knew?) and are insisting on posting their political psycho-babble all over the site that was before my primary source of gossip and stalking.

As a fervent liberal, I'm pretty sure anyone who has spent more than three minutes talking to me is aware of my political views. Though I don't understand how anyone in their right mind with half a brain and less than a couple million in the bank can possibly be Republican, I must tip my hat to the evil geniuses in the Republican party that somehow trick millions of Americans into voting against their own self-interests. But whatever, its your vote and you can do with it what you wish.

However...please don't clog my computer screen with your political bullshit. Or at least make put some thought into what you are typing before you hit post. Here's a couple of things I can no longer keep quiet about:

1. Pro-life DOES NOT EQUAL pro-abortion. I fully support a woman's right to choose, that said, I'm not suggesting that people get abortions. I don't believe that abortion should be considered a form of birthcontrol. I don't believe abortions should be the answer when one discovers they are carrying a child that will have special needs (I'm going to be a Special Ed teacher, why on earth would I believe this?). I firmly believe that abortion is not a good thing, however in a society where pregnancy is still used as a means of controlling women, and in a society where, pregnant women would turn to suicide or questionable, back alley methods, we need to provide a safe option. And is it right to force a rape or incest victim to carry the child of her attacker? Really?

2. Homosexuality IS NOT out to destroy family values (well, as far as I know). Allowing two homosexuals to marry is not the same as allowing a person to marry a child, or in one very charming comparison, a horse. If two consenting adults are in love and wish to marry, that is entirely acceptable.

And as for family values, if we are not going to allow homosexuals to marry based on that line, then perhaps we should illegalize divorce on the same grounds, and divorced people should definitely not be allowed to remarry. And perhaps you should need the permission of your local congressman (or congress woman) to get married. If we are going to invite government into our marriages and bedrooms, lets get them involved in every area possible.

3. Taxes. No, I'm not excited to see the government take taxes out of my paycheck, add taxes to my bills and purchases, or tax my land. I would rather keep that money. But I fully understand that the government needs taxes to paid for crazy government expenditures like schools, police officers, fire fighters, and feeding starving children. Absolute madness, if those hungry kids wanted to eat, they shouldn't have been born poor, or they can get jobs. Didn't we used to put 5 year olds to work? They can earn their own damn food.

4. Gun control. My dad hunts, my step-father hunts, my husband hunts. The first day of deer gun season is practically a holiday where I'm from. Hunting rifles are great, hell, I don't really care if you want a handgun. What I don't understand if why anyone can't wait 5 days to buy one. Shouldn't the intense desire to get a gun now set off a red flag somewhere? Democrats are not going to sneak into your house and take your guns.

5. Terrorism. I don't like terrorists, however I have liked the Muslims that I have met. But I fully understand that Muslim does not equal terrorist. And I'm not willing, in efforts to stop terrorism to give up my civil rights. (Though, as I understand it, most of those have already been stolen my the patriot act) The government should have to provide evidence to obtain a wiretap, should not be able to detain people indefinitely, and most certainly should not torture people. When we start giving up our rights for perceived safety, (yes perceived, I personally don't feel any safer than I did 7 years ago) we risk falling victim to another, equally dangerous threat, a tyrannical government.

6. Death penalty. I can't possibly understand how there are so many fervent pro-lifers that support the death penalty. What truly makes me sick about this is that I've seen people celebrate executions. Celebrating. I have never once seen anyone do a victory dance outside a planned parenthood after a fetus has been aborted, but people will celebrate a government-sponsored murder. Apparently, killing people is acceptable, just as long as we let our government decide who should be killed.

7. Wanting a politician that is just like you. What the hell? This one I will never understand. I'm a smart person, decently educated, well spoken, and I don't want a leader that is just like me. I want a leader that is smarter than me, better educated than me, speaks in complete sentances, puts the g sound at the end of "ing" words, (okay, those two things I do most of the time, but are still qualities I'd like in a leader) does not get the urge to giggle at words like "duties," "weiner," (though I'm not sure how often world leaders really use the word weiner) is less likely to get distracted by what the pets are doing, shiney things, or what is on tv, is less likely to try to skip out of work early, or come in late to work, that does not waste full or partial weekend days being hungover, that doesn't try to stay in pajamas for as long as humanly possible in the mornings, that does not forget to bring a pen to class, that does not walk into walls and chairs on a regular basis. Really, is that elitist to want a president that differs from me in those ways? Then call me an elitist, I really don't care if my president is someone I'd like to have a beer with, if for no other reason than doesn't the president have better things to do than drink beer with me?

This is just the tip of what my rant really could be, but I need to go sit in a quiet corner for awhile. And hopefully find some other liberal elitists to have a latte with.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Break from Regularly Scheduled Programing

So that plan not to buy any new yarn...that didn't go so well. Even though I love my current laptop cover, (which I knit for myself not ever six months ago) I found a kit for one on knitpicks that I absolutely had to have. Plus a new kit of costumes for Sheldon the Turtle came out, and I'm planning on making one for my niece, Sophie, for Christmas, and possibly my cousin's daughter Emily, seeing as I will have enough yarn for two Sheldons now. Anyway, so I already have the Sheldon Occupations Costumes, but decided that Sophie also needed the animal costumes for her turtle. And, of course, because I was already buying yarn, I added some sock yarn to the purchase as well.

In addition to buying more yarn, I decided that every year during both Advent and Lent, I would not knit anything for myself. I can work only on gifts for others or charity knitting during those times. (But, to be completely fair, I only have one thing for myself on needles right now, so I'm not always the self-centered knitter that I may sometimes seem to be.

Moving day is Saturday, and I should have spent the morning getting ready to move, (the process can be described as slow at best) however, I instead had to be in Eau Claire at nine this morning to do a 20 minute assessment on two of the students in my placement for Sped 431. I was out of there by 10 am, and don't have class until 1. That's three hours that could be better served by doing something else besides wasting time in the computer lab, blogging, playing on facebook, and updating my google calender. Hopefully, once this move is over, I'll get back to blogging more, as even if nobody is reading it, I find the process quite cathardic.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

I haven't been updating as much as I would like to, but it's been busy around here. Between school, work, random home stuff, and getting ready to move, there has been little time for outside activities.

I started another placement for school, my Sped404 class. This placement is a few weeks on and a few weeks off, so I'm set for a break from the placement after this week. I've been in an elementary school resource room. There have been good days and bad days and I've met some interesting characters there. Everything else aside, I'm looking forward to being able to sleep in some next week.

Placement aside, school's been keeping me pretty busy. I feel like a lot of my free time is devoted to school work. I've found some free time to get into The Monsters of Templeton. It is a pretty good book, I just wish I had more time to read it.

I've been getting very little knitting done. I've still got my banded peasant blouse on the needles, it is quickly becoming the project that won't end. I'm also working on an afghan for Danielle's Christmas present (okay, it was going to be birthday, but there is no way I'll ever get it done in time). It is a circle afghan done in shades of blue, cream, and brown. I'm also working on some striped mittens for the daughters of one of my co-workers. I made the same co-workers some fun Halloween fingerless gloves that turned out pretty cute. I've got a long list of projects that I would like to start, but now I'm waiting for the move to be done before I get started on any of those. However, many of those projects might get put on hold, first for Christmas knitting, and then for a beautiful laptop cover kit that I saw on the knitpicks website. It is multicolored in shades of red and I'd love to make it. The kit will be available to order tomorrow, but I most likely should wait until we move to order it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


After what can only be described as a long, icky week, things are going better. Last Tuesday, I was on my way home from class when I was attacked by a renegade tire that had escaped from a semi going the other direction on the interstate. It complete smashed the front end of my Alero, but I was unhurt (thankfully).

It took the auto body shop all of one morning to decide that the car was unfixable. They kindly lent me a charming '94 Buick for the time being and we set about dealing with the insurance company. After several trips back and forth to Eau Claire, with my ipod adapter working poorly in the old piece of crap, Jeff & I made it knew without a doubt we needed to get a new car asap.

Yesterday, we got it all worked out, and I was able to drive my new (well, new to me) Nissan Altima off the lot and bring it home. It was not been tested by the trip to Eau Claire, it will be later today, but after several trips to Tomah and back, I do know my ipod plays clearly through the stereo.

So, with all the chaos, at least we've gotten that settled.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Well, that's it, Three Bear's is closed. Something involving some bank, I'm not really sure what exactly happened. Jeff got called into a meeting today where he received the news. Thankfully, he's able to start his new job tomorrow instead of next Monday (which I guess actually works out better for the new boss). It does mean, however, it may be awhile before Jeff sees any sort of compensation for his work last week, but we're still a lot better off than some of the others, so we shouldn't complain.

As for me, school is going okay, it is going to be a busy and stressful semester. I took my praxis content knowledge test on Saturday, which reminded me why I hate standardized tests. I finished with about an hour to kill with nothing to do.

School's been getting in the way of other stuff. Things I should be doing, like packing; and things I would rather be doing, like knitting. At this rate, I will never finish the banded peasant blouse. I'm also working on a wrap, Danielle's afghan, (which I'd like to have done before her birthday, but more likely will be for Christmas), and, of course, socks. I recently realized that I'm beginning to acquire more sock yarn than I can ever use in my life, so I'm not buying any more sock yarn until I deplete my overflowing stash. Plus, with moving to a new, much smaller, location, I need to work on whittling down my yarn supply to make it easier to move.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Several big changes are on the horizon for the Cram household. Here's the story behind it:

Earlier this summer, Jeff and the remainder of the Three Bear's employees were given a 90 day closure notice. The resort was being put up for sale and if there wasn't a buyer, the place would close at the end of September (the Monday after Cranfest).

Naturally, this put us in a panic, as not only Jeff's job, but our home are directly tied into the fate of the resort. Jeff began a search for a new job, we began to discuss options including moving. However, we had to remain in a holding pattern until we got more news.

After applications and interviews, Jeff ended up with two job offers, and opted to take one establishing and building an IT department for Meca Sportswear, a company in Tomah. He's excited about the new opportunity, but a little worried about leaving the company where he has worked since college. His last day at Three Bears will be September 19 and he will start the new job the following Monday.

We also had to find a place to live, a place that would allow the small herd of animals we've acquired in the past several years. After weeks of searching, and lots of dissapointments, we found a place to live. It is a tiny two bedroom house on McLean Ave. (by St. Paul's School for those interested parties). It has a great fenced in yard for Pippin. It will be a change from our current house, we're used to the spacious three bedroom house, to this much, much smaller one, but it is adorable. We move on November 1, which gives me time to balance school and packing.

I have three semesters left in school, meaning a year from now I should be student teaching (given that everything goes according to plan). My schedule is pretty full this semester, but I'm still making time to teach religious education on Wednesday nights (those poor kids) and put in hours at both jobs on the weekends. And, of course, I still find some time to indulge my nerdy habits of knitting, Dr Who, reading, and telling people about my ever so charming pets.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Can't Sleep

It is 2 am, and I'm sitting in my living room watching reruns of Gilmore Girls, which is not normally the way I would like to spend a Thursday night, or an early Friday morning, for that matter. However, once again, I have discovered that I cannot fall asleep. I haven't been sleeping well lately, not sure if it has been caused by the stress over the resort, Jeff's job, and the house, or something else.

If it is housing stress, I would think I would sleep better tonight. This evening we looked at an adorable, but tiny house on McLean Ave in Tomah. It is only two bedrooms and the rooms are tiny, but it is so cute. And has hardwood floors throughout, and the owner allows pets, and it has a fenced in yard. I should be thrilled, but there is still so much uncertainty about everything that I cannot fully relax.

Moving from our spacious three bedroom house to a tiny two bedroom is going to be an adjustment in itself. I have no idea where I am going to be able to store my yarn stash, amongst other things. I'm currently working on whittling down our possessions, but it is slow going.

And now I am out of Gilmore Girls, after watching "An Affair to Remember" and "The Festival of Living Pictures," so I've moved on the Ghost Hunters reruns.

On the knitting front, I've been slowly (very slowly) chipping away at the banded peasant blouse, I've finished both sleeves and am now working on the body. I've also cast on my first lace project and my first knit project with beads, the Cheshire Cat Stole. I originally wanted to have it done in time to wear it to Pete's wedding, but considering that is on Saturday, that's not going to happen. I'm also working on a pair of socks using the two at a time, toe-up pattern.

I'm now going to continue with Ghost Hunters and work on the banded peasant blouse until I can fall asleep.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sock Hiatus

Despite my newfound love and obsession for sock knitting, (I've completed 5 pairs since February, which seems pretty good to me) I am now taking a bit of a sabbatical from socks. This sabbatical is not voluntary, though, but rather forced.

I've also fallen in love with both the knit picks harmony circular needles and the magic loop method of knitting socks. It makes me dread the idea of going back to using dpns. This dread is largely the cause of the hiatus from creating socks.

First of all, while finishing my wonderful, beautiful Bellatrix socks, I snapped one of my size 0's. Okay, not a big deal, I don't use that one very often so I'll just order a replacement with my next order (which seeing as how beautiful some of the shades of the new Imagination sock yarn, wouldn't be long anyway).

Then, last Friday, my darling niece visiting from Seattle decided to throw a football at me while I was working on my Jaywalker socks from Knitty. This broke my size 1 circulars, which I use a lot, so I went ahead and put in an order that night to replace my 0's and 1's, and, of course, some sock yarn.

So, yesterday I started work on my first toe-up socks on my size 2's. I finished increasing for the toe and set the knitting down to do something else. Minerva, the ever charming devil cat, stole my knitting and in the course of playing with the knitting, Minerva managed to chew two large snags in the cable which catch and rip the yarn, making knitting with them impossible.

So, I went ahead and placed another knit picks order to replace the 2's (and get more sock yarn...yes, I know I have a problem). But as I'm still waiting patiently to hear that my orders have shipped, I'll be taking a break from socks for awhile.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Stitch Markers

I've been noticing that there are many more options for stitch markers than the boring plastic rings that I have been using. So, after I decided that I wanted some pretty beaded stitch markers, I thought it would be more fun to make some rather than just buy them.

I headed off to the Michael's store in Eau Claire after finishing Spring finals and got some jump rings, head pins, and beads. I then sat down to assemble some stitch markers today. It didn't take too long, and now I have eighteen pretty new stitch markers. For the time being I made two different designs, but I'm sure I'll make more in the future. They are super easy and super cute. My first project using these will be Sophie's cardigan, so now we'll see how they work out when actually being used.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Between school and finals, there hasn't been time for much else, but now the main semester is done! Not than I'm exactly done, seeing has how I start a three week class on Monday, but that is only one class to focus on.

I've finished the laptop cover, and I'm thrilled with it! It turned out much better than I would have hoped.

It also means that I can start on Sophie's cardigan for her baptism. It has to be done by July 3, which gives me plenty of time, especially because it is little and shouldn't take too terribly long. I'm happy that my sister requested that I make something for Sophie to wear for her baptism, however I'm confused as to why anyone would need a sweater for the Wisconsin summer.

Since I first adventured into sock knitting, I've become addicted. I'm making it a point to have a pair of socks on needles all the time. They are great for portable knitting, and for mindless work. I've now mastered the "magic loop" method and I love it! It is much easier than using double pointed needles, and I worry much less about the needles slipping out of the work when I shove my work in the bag.

I also need to put my foot down with myself and finish Sophie's Nemo fish. I've got about four fins to make and sew on, but I just can't seem to make myself do it. Seeing as it didn't get done for Easter, I'm shooting for Sophie's visit to Wisconsin this summer.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Could It Possibly Be?

The Mobius bag is almost finished. I'm waiting for it to finish drying after felting, then I just have to trim down the pocket facing and sew it to the bag. This means I am almost finished with my first experienced project. Could this possibly mean that I'm actually an experienced knitter. Whoa, that is an empowering thought.

So, after finishing the bag, instead of putting all my efforts back into the banded peasant blouse, I decided I'd be better served to cast on more projects. I've now added the Aran laptop cover, from Canadian Living (I found the pattern through ravelry) and a pair of socks for Jeff. He's now decided that maybe he'd wear knitted socks. I've still got to finish the Nemo fish for Sophie plus I need to start on my knitting for Mother's day.

The laptop cover is my first cable project I've tried in a long time, so I'm excited to see how it is going to turn out. Jeff's socks are my first attempt at the magic loop method for knitting a small circumference, which seems to be going pretty well.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break Updates

So, all of my carefully laid plans have once again, went astray. I had all sorts of knitting, reading, cleaning, and school work planned out for my spring break. I was going to make serious progress on my banded peasant blouse, finish the lilypad socks, finish the Nemo fish, start some new projects, and so on and so on. Well, after the weekend trip to Kenosha, the lilypad socks were just about done, but I noticed a pain on the right side of my back around the the right side of my front that I first noticed the week before hadn't gone away. Odd, yes, but I have all kinds of aches and pains, I've accepted ovary pain, a pain down my leg that I'm calling ciatic never trouble, and the various other pains that come from being a 26 year old hypocondriac with pretty much constant access to webmd. I wrote it off as trouble from sleeping on Kari's couch. Monday, however the pain was worse and I noticed a rash appearing. Also, I was not feeling so great, a trip to the doctor the next day confirmed it...shingles. So, my spring break was spent doped up on painkillers, sleeping a lot, and not getting a lot else accomplished.

100 Years of Solitude, my planned read for spring break, seemed much to daunting in my altered state of mind, but I did pick up Tender is the Night, and have finished about three chapters in a week...a sad, sad state of affairs.

So, here's the summary of what I've accomplished over spring break:

  • School work: haven't cracked a book
  • Knitting: finished the lilypad socks, started a new bag
  • Cleaning: cleaned the kitchen (sort of), bathroom, and did a little laundry
  • Reading: 3 chapters of Tender is the Night

All in all, not one of my more productive weeks.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Grumble, grumble, grumble

So, I'm continuing work on the banded peasant blouse, which I'm still very excited about. However, I'm beginning to doubt my yarn choice. I'm currently working with Esprite, by Elann yarns. It is a cotton yarn with a bit of elastic, which I thought would be good to provide some stretch, but I didn't count of the yarn being that stretchy, I'm not even sure if the design will show up in this yarn. I'm considering switching yarns, but I couldn't really find the colors that I liked in any other yarns. Perhaps, I'll keep the esprite for the neck and arm bands, and switch to something for less stretch for the body of the shirt. Or, maybe I'll just keep knitting (I've only got a couple of inches done) and see how it looks.

I've finished one of the lilypad socks and I love it. I love the color, the texture, and the fit. I'm going to cast on the mate for it tonight, I think. Jeff is coming with when I take Mom and Dave to the airport, so he'll insist on driving, giving me time to work on it. I'll also take it along to Kenosha, even if I end up driving, and maybe get a bit done.

I've totally given up on the Nemo fish being done in time to ride to Seattle with Mom. I've got to spend tomorrow morning (or tonight) cutting the mats that I told Danielle were done. Maybe I'll put the sock on hold, and try to get the fish done. I feel bad about it, but starting the project I only had size 3 bamboo straights, which I hate. Now I've borrowed some circulars from Mom and have my own on order. On second thought, even if I work on it, I don't think I'd get it done, I've got the body almost done, but have all the fins (5 or 6 of them) left. Oh, well, we'll see.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Devil Cats and Other Irritations

First of all, I'm pretty sure that my cats together are the devil. (No one is smart enough on his/her own to be the devil) No matter what I do with my yarn, it ends up all over the basement. I shut it in the closet, pile it in boxes, store it on shelves, and seal it in plastic bags and still they get it.

And they can smell out yarn. I returned from a shopping trip to Herrschners in Steven's Point with my mom and aunts, and had a bag with four balls of sock yarn and two balls of cotton dishcloth yarn. I set it on the counter top, and it took Minerva not even ten minutes before she was chewing a hole in the paper bag. Perhaps a bank-style vault would keep the cats out of my yarn stash.
Today, I had the perfect day planned out. I got up when Jeff left for work, and planned on drinking coffee and working on my knitting for the majority of the day. I also have the leftovers from Wednesday's Ghost Hunters Marathon to watch. Unfortunately, this plan was not to be. I made the mistake of returning a call to work and some how was talked into coming in for three hours in the middle of the day to help with the arrival of the stupid special edition of Sports Illustrated.
So my progress on my projects is not what I hoped. I currently have Sophie's Nemo fish started, the banded pesant blouse from Interweave Knits, and am working on socks. I've totally fallen in love with sock knitting, and I'm pretty sure I'll usually have a sock on my needles from now on.
I needed a pair of size 2 dpns, so I bought the Harmony dpns from Knit Picks and I am as in love with them as with the interchangable needles. I've also ordered size 2 and size 3 circular needles to add to my collection.
Wednesday is going to be a happy day. Spring break is next week, so that means after class today, I will not have class for what works out to be two whole weeks. For some reason we don't have classes on Easter Monday, which I swear we have in the past, but I'm not complaining. I'm secretly hoping that I won't be scheduled to work too terribly much, so I can get some quality knitting and reading time in.
I'm planning on retackeling 100 Years of Solitude, which I've now started twice, and given up on twice. Actually, the second time I stopped because I got distracted and had other things to do, so wasn't bored with the book. The first time, I was pretty bored with the book mainly because I hadn't been paying enough attention to follow the story or characters. So, big plans for Spring Break, which will also contain driving Mom and Dave to the airport, picking up Mom and Dave from the airport, and going with Shala to visit Kari in Kenosha, for a little early St. Patrick's Day celebration.
The quote to sum up this week, "I can't stop drinking the coffee; I stop drinking the coffee, I stop doing the standing, the walking and the words putting into sentance doing." (Lorelai Gilmore from the "Luke Can See Her Face" episode of Gilmore Girls.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Resolutions & Yarn Storage

Today, I have decided, it will be done, I will finish my wicked sweater. I have 6 rows left on the cuff of the left sleeve, this is getting silly, I need to sit down and finish it. No more excuses, tonight (even if the group meeting I have this evening runs late, and I don't get home until late...I'm finishing this sweater.

Then, I need to start Sophie's clown fish. It is going to be done in time to catch a ride to Seattle with mom, so that is going to be my next main project, though I may start a pair of socks for more portable knitting, and I need a new bag to tote my portable knitting seeing as someone (I suspect Lily) decided to chew a hole in my old one.

I am also itching to start the Banded Peasant Blouse featured in the Spring 2008 issue of Interweave knits. I ordered yarn for it on Saturday, so I'm allowing myself to start that when the yarn arrives. (Provided I have made sufficient progress on the clown fish).

My longer term to do list includes 2 pairs of pedicure socks with gift bags, (by mother's day for mom and my mother-in-law), a white cardigan for Sophie's baptism (which is in June), a circle afghan for Danielle's birthday (November, or I would be willing to push that one to Christmas), my advent calender, which will be done by next Christmas, and a circle jacket for Sophie, hopefully for her birthday in August, but more realistically for Christmas. And someday I will pick up on the wrap sweater that I haven't worked on since my trip to Seattle for Sophie's first birthday (and she'll be four in August).

I've also purchased yarn for two or three more sweaters, 2 bags, a scarf, and several pairs of socks. I've got to sort out the projects that have a specific deadline from the projects which seem just to be hanging out with no deadline. The problem is, I really hate giving myself a dead line for projects. It just makes knitting seem like too much work. (which is also why I end up in a frenzy right before Christmas, trying desperately to finish gifts on time) Maybe the real problem is I shouldn't knit for others and just be selfish and keep everything for myself, but that is not likely at all.

On another note, I'm working on reorganizing my yarn stash. I discovered a leftover bookcase that hasn't been touched since we moved. I moved it into the closet of my craft room. I currently have the yarn piled on the shelves, arranged by weight. The next step, I think is to get some bins or baskets to keep the yarn on the shelves in and safe from cat claws (especially since Bode has apparently taught Minevra how to open the closet door) I'm also trying to mark the yarn that was purchased for a specific project to keep it seperate from the yarn that I've picked up with nothing in particular in mind for it.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Finished Socks

I've managed to finish my first ever socks! Well, my first ever pair of socks, awhile ago, I made a sock, but didn't like it enough to make a mate for it. The socks turned out, and are currently keeping my feet toasty warm. I'm definently eager to try out some different sock patterns along with some different sock yarns. I can see why knitting socks is so addictive, it is nice to have a project finished so quickly.Now, I've got to finish that stupid Wicked sweater. And I haven't worked on my Christmas mittens for a long time. I want to have them done for Christmas next year, but I keep getting distracted by other projects. Also on the to-do list is a "Nemo" fish for Sophie, which I'd like to have done in time to send out with my mom when she goes.

Then, yesterday, I made the mistake of picked up the Spring issue of Interweave Knits. I've now added another 8 projects or so to my list. And Jeff's decided that maybe he would wear knitted socks, so perhaps there will be a pair in his future, too.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

#$%^@# Sweater

The struggle to finish the Wicked sweater continues. I was midway through the second sleeve when I decided that I didn't like the sleeves and needed to make the sweater short sleeved. So, I've now ripped out both sleeves, and gotten one of the new short sleeves done. However, I am beginning to think that I may never be done with this sweater.

On the other side, I started my first pair of socks yesterday. I'm using the basic sock pattern from Lion Brand to make them, using a magic stripes yarn, but I decided that simple ribbing was too boring and decided to do a crossover knit instead. I've almost finished the cuff of the first sock, so we'll see how this goes.

I've also fallen in love with my ball winder (just some cheap-o one that I found on ebay). However, the center pull balls are still in danger. Minerva does not seem to mind that these don't roll nicely, and still grabs the balls and runs with them.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Knitting as a Diet Plan

Since being diagnosed with PCOD last summer, I've been trying to shed some extra pounds, which is supposed to help ease some of the discomfort from the cysts. Anyways, the main problem I've been running into, is I often eat when I'm bored and eat without really realizing what I'm doing.

However, my interest in knitting was rekindled this fall, largely thanks to finally gettting onto Ravelry. I've noticed that since this renewed interest in knitting, I've found that I've been dropping pounds a little easier.

It seems to work out because knitting can keep both my mind and hands busy. Unlike some of my other hobbies, knitting makes it impossible to eat while working. Also, if I'm bored and think that I'm getting hungry, I sit down and knit a couple of rows and see how I feel after that. My renewed enthusiasm for knitting has helped me to cut down on my snacking. Pretty nifty.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wicked Update

I'm still working on the wicked sweater, and I like it and all, but I'm just so sick of working on it. I'd like to start another project, seeing as I just finished my scarf, but I'm afraid if I work on too many things it will never get done.

When I woke up this morning, I was faced with another roadblock to the sweater. One of my cats (I suspect either Minerva or Bode) took the yarn ball I was using and left a trail of yarn out of the living room and around the table and chairs in the dining room multiple times. So, before I could start working, I had to reclaim all my yarn, which then Minerva and Lily both tried to "help" me rewind the yarn.

Holding Hands, Feeding Ducks

I finished my "holding hands, feeding ducks" scarf last night and I am thrilled with it. And I finished it just in time, I've got class today, and it is about 20 below, with the windchill. It might be the boost I need to finally get around to finishing that stupid sweater. Don't get me wrong, I like the sweater, I just am really, really sick of knitting the sleeves.

I'd like to start another project, my niece has requested a "Nemo fish" and another sweater, and I'd like to send one of those in her Easter package. Though I do wonder how much of the request actually comes from Sophie, and how much comes from my sister, who also has her own wishlist, including a circle afghan (maybe for Christmas).

Monday, February 18, 2008

Knit Picks Harmony

I've been wanting to get the Harmony interchangable needles from knitpicks for quite awhile now. I started knitting using straights, which I almost never use anymore. From that I moved on to the boyd needlemaster set. Don't get me wrong, I thought that those needles were alright, but the cables drove me crazy and I never could seem to get the tips tightly onto the cables, they were always coming unscrewed.

So, a couple of weeks ago, I finally took the plunge and bought the Harmony set. I was a little worried about the purchase, I'd seen good and bad reviews about the needles. The needles did not disappoint me. To start out with, they are beautiful, even more so than the pictures. Knitting with the needles was wonderful, the cables are so flexible and it does not take much to get the tips tight onto the cable. The tips are smooth, and the join seems flawless (some reviewers complained of a bump, but I can't find a bump, even when I look) the yarn slides smoothly over the whole thing.

To sum it all up, I love these needles. I've already got two projects on them, a scarf (the pattern is called "Holding Hands, Feeding Ducks," such a great name!) and the Wicked sweater from Zephyr Style. I'm working both projects in worsted weight wool, (Malabrigo for the scarf and Paton's Classic Merino for the sweater) and both are knitting up beautifully on my new needles. I couldn't be happier!

First Post

So, I've decided, since it seems the rest of the world has one, it is time that I've started a blog. Perhaps it will give me somewhere to place all of those random thoughts that swirl around in my head (which I would guess looks something like a cross between a very messy library and a very messy shoe closet with a cobweb of two in the corner). Mainly my random thoughts center on knitting, reading, television, politics, or my ever so charming pets, (one of which is currently attempting to sit on my laptop as I type) but I'm sure there will be others thrown in there, too.