Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break Updates

So, all of my carefully laid plans have once again, went astray. I had all sorts of knitting, reading, cleaning, and school work planned out for my spring break. I was going to make serious progress on my banded peasant blouse, finish the lilypad socks, finish the Nemo fish, start some new projects, and so on and so on. Well, after the weekend trip to Kenosha, the lilypad socks were just about done, but I noticed a pain on the right side of my back around the the right side of my front that I first noticed the week before hadn't gone away. Odd, yes, but I have all kinds of aches and pains, I've accepted ovary pain, a pain down my leg that I'm calling ciatic never trouble, and the various other pains that come from being a 26 year old hypocondriac with pretty much constant access to webmd. I wrote it off as trouble from sleeping on Kari's couch. Monday, however the pain was worse and I noticed a rash appearing. Also, I was not feeling so great, a trip to the doctor the next day confirmed it...shingles. So, my spring break was spent doped up on painkillers, sleeping a lot, and not getting a lot else accomplished.

100 Years of Solitude, my planned read for spring break, seemed much to daunting in my altered state of mind, but I did pick up Tender is the Night, and have finished about three chapters in a week...a sad, sad state of affairs.

So, here's the summary of what I've accomplished over spring break:

  • School work: haven't cracked a book
  • Knitting: finished the lilypad socks, started a new bag
  • Cleaning: cleaned the kitchen (sort of), bathroom, and did a little laundry
  • Reading: 3 chapters of Tender is the Night

All in all, not one of my more productive weeks.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Grumble, grumble, grumble

So, I'm continuing work on the banded peasant blouse, which I'm still very excited about. However, I'm beginning to doubt my yarn choice. I'm currently working with Esprite, by Elann yarns. It is a cotton yarn with a bit of elastic, which I thought would be good to provide some stretch, but I didn't count of the yarn being that stretchy, I'm not even sure if the design will show up in this yarn. I'm considering switching yarns, but I couldn't really find the colors that I liked in any other yarns. Perhaps, I'll keep the esprite for the neck and arm bands, and switch to something for less stretch for the body of the shirt. Or, maybe I'll just keep knitting (I've only got a couple of inches done) and see how it looks.

I've finished one of the lilypad socks and I love it. I love the color, the texture, and the fit. I'm going to cast on the mate for it tonight, I think. Jeff is coming with when I take Mom and Dave to the airport, so he'll insist on driving, giving me time to work on it. I'll also take it along to Kenosha, even if I end up driving, and maybe get a bit done.

I've totally given up on the Nemo fish being done in time to ride to Seattle with Mom. I've got to spend tomorrow morning (or tonight) cutting the mats that I told Danielle were done. Maybe I'll put the sock on hold, and try to get the fish done. I feel bad about it, but starting the project I only had size 3 bamboo straights, which I hate. Now I've borrowed some circulars from Mom and have my own on order. On second thought, even if I work on it, I don't think I'd get it done, I've got the body almost done, but have all the fins (5 or 6 of them) left. Oh, well, we'll see.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Devil Cats and Other Irritations

First of all, I'm pretty sure that my cats together are the devil. (No one is smart enough on his/her own to be the devil) No matter what I do with my yarn, it ends up all over the basement. I shut it in the closet, pile it in boxes, store it on shelves, and seal it in plastic bags and still they get it.

And they can smell out yarn. I returned from a shopping trip to Herrschners in Steven's Point with my mom and aunts, and had a bag with four balls of sock yarn and two balls of cotton dishcloth yarn. I set it on the counter top, and it took Minerva not even ten minutes before she was chewing a hole in the paper bag. Perhaps a bank-style vault would keep the cats out of my yarn stash.
Today, I had the perfect day planned out. I got up when Jeff left for work, and planned on drinking coffee and working on my knitting for the majority of the day. I also have the leftovers from Wednesday's Ghost Hunters Marathon to watch. Unfortunately, this plan was not to be. I made the mistake of returning a call to work and some how was talked into coming in for three hours in the middle of the day to help with the arrival of the stupid special edition of Sports Illustrated.
So my progress on my projects is not what I hoped. I currently have Sophie's Nemo fish started, the banded pesant blouse from Interweave Knits, and am working on socks. I've totally fallen in love with sock knitting, and I'm pretty sure I'll usually have a sock on my needles from now on.
I needed a pair of size 2 dpns, so I bought the Harmony dpns from Knit Picks and I am as in love with them as with the interchangable needles. I've also ordered size 2 and size 3 circular needles to add to my collection.
Wednesday is going to be a happy day. Spring break is next week, so that means after class today, I will not have class for what works out to be two whole weeks. For some reason we don't have classes on Easter Monday, which I swear we have in the past, but I'm not complaining. I'm secretly hoping that I won't be scheduled to work too terribly much, so I can get some quality knitting and reading time in.
I'm planning on retackeling 100 Years of Solitude, which I've now started twice, and given up on twice. Actually, the second time I stopped because I got distracted and had other things to do, so wasn't bored with the book. The first time, I was pretty bored with the book mainly because I hadn't been paying enough attention to follow the story or characters. So, big plans for Spring Break, which will also contain driving Mom and Dave to the airport, picking up Mom and Dave from the airport, and going with Shala to visit Kari in Kenosha, for a little early St. Patrick's Day celebration.
The quote to sum up this week, "I can't stop drinking the coffee; I stop drinking the coffee, I stop doing the standing, the walking and the words putting into sentance doing." (Lorelai Gilmore from the "Luke Can See Her Face" episode of Gilmore Girls.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Resolutions & Yarn Storage

Today, I have decided, it will be done, I will finish my wicked sweater. I have 6 rows left on the cuff of the left sleeve, this is getting silly, I need to sit down and finish it. No more excuses, tonight (even if the group meeting I have this evening runs late, and I don't get home until late...I'm finishing this sweater.

Then, I need to start Sophie's clown fish. It is going to be done in time to catch a ride to Seattle with mom, so that is going to be my next main project, though I may start a pair of socks for more portable knitting, and I need a new bag to tote my portable knitting seeing as someone (I suspect Lily) decided to chew a hole in my old one.

I am also itching to start the Banded Peasant Blouse featured in the Spring 2008 issue of Interweave knits. I ordered yarn for it on Saturday, so I'm allowing myself to start that when the yarn arrives. (Provided I have made sufficient progress on the clown fish).

My longer term to do list includes 2 pairs of pedicure socks with gift bags, (by mother's day for mom and my mother-in-law), a white cardigan for Sophie's baptism (which is in June), a circle afghan for Danielle's birthday (November, or I would be willing to push that one to Christmas), my advent calender, which will be done by next Christmas, and a circle jacket for Sophie, hopefully for her birthday in August, but more realistically for Christmas. And someday I will pick up on the wrap sweater that I haven't worked on since my trip to Seattle for Sophie's first birthday (and she'll be four in August).

I've also purchased yarn for two or three more sweaters, 2 bags, a scarf, and several pairs of socks. I've got to sort out the projects that have a specific deadline from the projects which seem just to be hanging out with no deadline. The problem is, I really hate giving myself a dead line for projects. It just makes knitting seem like too much work. (which is also why I end up in a frenzy right before Christmas, trying desperately to finish gifts on time) Maybe the real problem is I shouldn't knit for others and just be selfish and keep everything for myself, but that is not likely at all.

On another note, I'm working on reorganizing my yarn stash. I discovered a leftover bookcase that hasn't been touched since we moved. I moved it into the closet of my craft room. I currently have the yarn piled on the shelves, arranged by weight. The next step, I think is to get some bins or baskets to keep the yarn on the shelves in and safe from cat claws (especially since Bode has apparently taught Minevra how to open the closet door) I'm also trying to mark the yarn that was purchased for a specific project to keep it seperate from the yarn that I've picked up with nothing in particular in mind for it.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Finished Socks

I've managed to finish my first ever socks! Well, my first ever pair of socks, awhile ago, I made a sock, but didn't like it enough to make a mate for it. The socks turned out, and are currently keeping my feet toasty warm. I'm definently eager to try out some different sock patterns along with some different sock yarns. I can see why knitting socks is so addictive, it is nice to have a project finished so quickly.Now, I've got to finish that stupid Wicked sweater. And I haven't worked on my Christmas mittens for a long time. I want to have them done for Christmas next year, but I keep getting distracted by other projects. Also on the to-do list is a "Nemo" fish for Sophie, which I'd like to have done in time to send out with my mom when she goes.

Then, yesterday, I made the mistake of picked up the Spring issue of Interweave Knits. I've now added another 8 projects or so to my list. And Jeff's decided that maybe he would wear knitted socks, so perhaps there will be a pair in his future, too.