Monday, January 2, 2012

Out With the Old, In With the New

Of course, Sunday marked the beginning of 2012. Husband and I rang it in with true "over thirty" style. We joined two other couples, one with children (ages 3 and 11 months), and another friend. We actually ended up deciding to celebrate the ball dropping in New York and heading home before midnight actually arrived in Wisconsin. Despite Ian (the 3 year old) kicking a glass of red wine out of my hand which spilled all over my pants, it was an enjoyable evening.

Sunday brought the last of our Christmas celebration, unless you count the Christmas party Awards Banquet at husband's work (but that has now been moved to April to make it less Christmasy) which was my dad's family. Somehow that particular branch of the family managed to ignore the fact that they scheduled dinner during the last regular season Packer game, giving Husband and I the options of crowding into my aunt's family room to watch her minuscule tv, or huddle over his phone and watch the play by play courtesy of G3 and Yahoo Sports. We went with option B, but did manage to make it home for the last half of the final quarter. Thankfully, it wasn't an important game, but I was still bummed to miss Flynn's amazing performance (and most likely the last time we will see him play as a Packer).

Today was another fairly quiet day. I got my hairs cut and enjoyed lunch with Husband and some family. Then husband and I spent some time putting away the Christmas decorations (I know, technically it is too early to put them away...but tell that to Husband). Then we enjoyed some delicious chili, grilled cheese, and attempted to enjoy the Rose Bowl (sadly, that ended with a Badger loss).

I've also joined the Words with Friends craze over the weekend. It may have become one of my new favorite ways to waste time and spent some time thinking about resolutions for the New Year, which will be another post coming soon!


Krissy A. said...

I like the blog's new look! Happy New Year, friend! :-)

EmmyJo said...

You have me seriously considering Words With Friends....and are captcha words real words that I just don't know?