Friday, May 21, 2010

Deep Breath and Move On

On most days, subbing is a crap shoot. You never really know what kind of class you're walking into, what kind of mood the students will be in, and what sort of sub plans the teacher has left for you. It is an adventure to walk into the classroom. Every class is different, some will wait patiently while you try to figure out what is going on, and some will attempt to set the building on fire while waiting.
The third grade class I subbed for on Wednesday was much closer to the latter. I try to arrive early to be prepared, but there are always some start of the day things that pop up. The first couple of activities were rough, but I've learned to just preserver until the students go out for recess or to a special to regroup. Which is what is did. Knowing that this class didn't have much tolerance for down time, I made sure that everything was laid out to get me through until lunch time, the class came back, and SHAZAAM things went much better for the remainder of the day.  But by much better, I still had a class that:
  • about a third of the students requested to go to the office for "upset tummies," later, I found out that this school has a policy of giving mints to students with upset stomachs...maybe not the best plan, office ladies
  • a student that requested to call home about 10 different times (and seriously, 10 is a conservative estimate), and on at least 2 separate occasions, I caught trying to make a phone call after being told no (and no, I'm not a meanie, there was a note from the teacher that she's a chronic home caller, to the point where the parents say not to let her call)
  • another student that had a mysterious aliment causing her eyes to blur whenever she was required to do work, but be fine any other time
  • a student attempting to use a 2 foot pencil for the entire day (okay, that one was pretty entertaining).
Ah, subbing, there is no job in the world quite like it.

On the job front, the job search is becoming discouraging. For a short time, there were jobs being posted everyday. Not always for this area, but still jobs. Now that is slowing down, and I've gotten a couple of "Thanks, but no thanks" letters from school districts this week. It is getting pretty tough not to get down about the job hunt, especially when lots of well meaning people ask about interviews and point out vacancies. It's tough to put on the happy face and keep telling people, "Nope, no real prospects, and thanks I've applied for that, but haven't heard anything." Perhaps, I just need a distraction from all of this...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Better Late than Never

The April socks are completed. Don't mind the fact that they were not finished until May 10, but they are now finished. 

Mad Colorweave Socks
Mad Colorweave Socks in Dirty Martini by Knitters Brew Company. They turned out pretty cute, I especially like the mini-cables that run down the sides. They are pretty similar to the Paul and Virginia socks I did a couple of months ago, I think in February, but the cables give them a different look.

I've also started my May socks, a little late, but they are started. Now, my May socks are a bit of a deviation from the self-imposed sock club. I discovered the yarn during the stash reorganization, and knew I had to make it into socks. The yarn is Tosh Socks by Madelinetosh in the colorway, Frida (a combination of pink, orange, blue, and green).

I started the socks in a pattern called Padfoot, but I didn't like how the colors were pooling, so I ripped it out (ripping out projects seems to be a common occurrence in this household). I started them again in the Nutkin pattern. I've made the Nutkins before and was pretty happy with how they turned out. This time I'm making a brief modification, changing the cuff.
Nutkin Socks

So far, so good. Tomorrow is the 15th, so technically I should be finished with the first sock to stay on target, but I don't think it is going to happen. Luckily, my cousin gets married tomorrow in Marshfield, so I will have a couple of hours of knit time in the car over the next few days, which is good.  Hopefully, I'll be able to make good time over the next couple of weeks and get caught up.