Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Oh, and one more thing...

Just wanted to post happy thoughts to my friends Pete and Krissy, who welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world last week. And to my cousins Joe and Brittany, who welcomed a baby boy into the world last week. (and people thought I was kidding when I said everyone I know is having a baby right now).

Shala's Birthday Festivities

February 6th marked the birthday of dear friend (and, bless her heart, fellow Doctor Who fan) Shala (upper right corner of the picture), which was reason to celebrate enough. However, when you consider that Shala is usually the caretaker/designated driver of the group when we hit the bars, we decided that we needed to tear up the town in honor of Shala's emergence into the world.
The evening started with Reish and I driving up to Shala's LaCrosse apartment, bringing a lovely fish cake from Linda's bakery. We headed to dinner (after eating a piece of cake, of course) where we met up with Emily (and Katie, but she left after the comedy show, so she is not in the picture). After dinner, we headed to a place called Howie's for a comedy show. I was less than excited about stand up comedy, given that I don't really like comedians (ok, I don't like comedians who don't host The Bugle podcast, and I was pretty sure niether of those two were going to be preforming at Howie's with a $5 cover charge), however, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I do like comedy and had a good time (not that I wouldn't have had a good time anyway, given that I wasn't at work or at school and there was beer). We then headed out to various bars in LaCrosse (after stopping back at Shala's for another piece of cake). The bars were filled with mostly college student, which suceeded in making me feel very old. But again, there was beer...and booze...and shots...and fishbowls, which made for a morning spent on Shala's bathroom floor.

All in all, it was a much needed girls night out.

The Education of Nicole Cram

Sitting in the Davies Center at UWEC is an unacceptable way to spend my time. I've decided this. I get unbelievable irratated at the people sitting around me, today the main source of irratation comes from a guy a couple of tables over who is talking so loudly I must assume that his table companions are deaf. Everyone in the place is shooting him irratated looks, to which he is completely oblivious. Thanks to this conversation, I am learning more than I ever wanted to about movies that I will never watch. I can't help but resent the tution money that has been paid so I can sit here.

Thankfully, on most Tuesdays, I have a field placement at Chippewa Falls High School (Chi-Hi, a great school nickname, I must say). However, this week the kiddos are on their mid-winter break, giving me six hours to kill between classes. (bless my procrastinating heart that put off the stupid computer class until the last possible minute, creating the six hour gap between classes) But back to the newest placement,this is my first placement outside of an elementary school and I am loving it. I'm working with mainly CD students, and they are great. I'm in their tech. ed. class, where they have a little business making wooden frames, signs, and stuff with laser engraving. The guys have a great time designing the stuff on the computer and its great to watch. Then I go to a job skills class in one of the computer labs (those who are wondering Chi Hi, much nicer than the Tomah High of my memories). The job skills class nicely fits in with my experience, as I'm currently in a transition skills class at the university. I then spend my last hour tutoring students with LD in one of the resource rooms. This combination works great as I am getting placement experience for three classes, Transition and Career Services, Methods for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities and Methods for Secondary Students with Mild Disabilities. The teacher that I am working with is great, which restores my faith in cooperating teachers after last semester.

However, four (or is it five) weeks into the semester, and the stress is beginning to get to me. I have night classes three days a week, and usually close at the store at least one additional night per week. This gives me limited evenings at home. Of course, I have the added benefit of not leaving home until 2 on Mondays and Wednesday, but it still feels like I am getting nothing done at home.

The lack of home achievements is especially distrubing when I consider the vast amount of baby blankets that I have left to knit. I am about halfway done with both Silas and Petra's blankets, with only eight and four weeks left until their respective due dates. I am beginning to get concerned that I will never finish either blanket. On the other had, I would love to be done with those two blankets so I can knit something that I want. I only had a breif break after my Christmas knitting, which I used to make my llama hat. (quite possibly the greatest thing that I have ever created)
See, it is pretty cool, isn't it? I'm so impressed with my ability to master colorwork so well. Anyway, of course, this has me dying to work on more projects for myself, which I cannot do until the baby blankets are finished. (except for the obligatory pair of socks that I have on the needles, the diagonal rib socks from Interweave knits)