Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Photo Shoot for After Hours Shawl

I've been toying with the idea of doing lace for some time now. I've even gone as far as to cast on, knit a bit, and then get discouraged and give up. So, I thought a Knit-A-Long (KAL) might just be the way to get one done.

One of my favorite places to order sock yarn, Knitter's Brewing Company, sponsored a KAL for a lace shawl to showcase their newest yarn. I immediately decided to join, the KAL officially begins today, September 1. But I got a bit of a head start.


Yup, that is a completed lace shawl, with a beaded border.


Now, we have just moved. At the old house, I had my go-to places where I knew I could get good photos of my knitting. Now, I have to invest some time into finding new locations for my projects. First, I tired the back deck...


Not too bad, the color came out great, but I thought that a solid background might be better for the lacework, so I tried some on the grass. Those didn't turn out at all. I tried the ladder leading up to the playhouse, but the lace didn't show up at all (this is, however the spot where I got the lovely close up of the border, which is the closest to the yarn's true color). Then I tried the front porch, same problem.

Finally, I headed back inside and took some using a plain, black background...

The black worked well for showing off the stitch detail, but the color seems kind of washed out in it. And what's with the orb in the picture? It showed up in every inside picture I took of the shawl. Perhaps we have a ghost that really likes my knitting (I could live with that). Eventually, I came to the conclusion that lace work is trick to photograph, and I'd have to just keep trying.

On another note, I'm giving myself a pass on the August socks for my pair a month club, I've been busy moving and unpacking. This year I'll settle for 11 pairs in 12 months and call it good. I'll try to squeeze in extra pair in the next four months, but I'm not sure if I'll manage that or not. Time will tell.

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