Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Job Search

So, I've been done with student teaching for almost three months now (hard to believe!). And I've gotten pretty comfortable with the subbing groove. Don't get me wrong, subbing is a great gig, and I love getting to peek into all of the different classrooms. However, I'm at that point where I would like a full (or part) time job for next year. I'd like to have the promise of income, benefits, etc. I'd also like to be able to go to bed each night knowing whether or not I will be working the next day. And, I'd like to work with the same group of students so that I could build relationships and perhaps make a difference. 

The job market, however, is a little discouraging. People are full of stories about district cutbacks, teacher layoffs, and the ever helpful story about a niece, cousin, dog's next door neighbor's son's wife, etc that has a degree in Special Ed and has been looking for a job for the last three years and cannot find one (always an upper, thanks for that). 

I'm trying to stay positive. I know that schools are beginning to post vacancies, and new ones are showing up every day. I check those listings several times a day, I tune into all the rumors about districts that are and might be hiring, and I'm applying for every job that is posted within an hour and a half from here.

The applications themselves are daunting. They should have had a class on what to expect from a district application. At least five open answer questions about discipline, lesson planning, students, educational philosophy, IEPs, transition, differentiated instruction, behavior management, and theories of education, more than one that I've had to google. (And not to sound snotty, but seriously, if in four years of teacher training at one of the best teacher training colleges in the Midwest, I didn't come across the theory, not even a mention of it, can it really be that important? I've spent hours flipping through binders from classes, looking for materials to include in my portfolio.

My interview clothes are hanging up and ready to go. I'm tweaking my professional portfolio and studying interview questions. I'm waiting for that phone to ring, and it sits silent.

It cheers me a little that I've yet to apply for a job that I'm super excited for. I've applied for some good jobs, but nothing that makes me think, "man, I have to get this job." I know I just have to be patient and wait...and wait...and wait...

Maybe I'll go check the postings another time.

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